Decorate your home or office with high quality wall décor. Living Room Salons in Mansion at Champagne Deutz, Ay, Vallee De La Marne, Ardennes, France is that perfect piece that matches your style, interests, and budget.
Living in France
Decorate your home or office with high quality wall décor. Living Room Salons in Mansion at Champagne Deutz, Ay, Vallee De La Marne, Ardennes, France is that perfect piece that matches your style, interests, and budget.
Price: $14.95
Art.com is the world's largest retailer of art prints, posters, photographs, and framed artwork. With our huge selection of over 400,000 prints, you'll easily find the perfect piece for your home, office, or classroom. Our art is printed on quality paper. When you order framed artwork, the piece is built by our team of in-house professionals. Visit our Amazon store today at www.amazon.com/artdotcom to find Special Offers and search for products based on 'Artist Name' and 'Subject Categories' such as Movie, Music, Vintage, TV, Children, Travel, Kitchen, Museum Art, Animals, Floral, Motivational, and Sports. Art.com is dedicated to providing you with high quality products and service by offering you 100% satisfaction guaranteed. We ship internationally to over 80 countries. Decorate your home today with your favorite pictures that express and celebrate your distinct tastes.
Price: $16.98
Price: $25.95
If you plan to live in France for more than six months, you will have to officially register your vehicle in France and a French plate. If you wish to do so, you have to do.
First, you must contact your local "Direction R gionale de l'environnement, de l ' Am nagement et du Logement" branch (DREAL), in order to obtain a list of all documents required for a French registration and reception of the "Carte grise", the official French vehicle card As foreign citizen, you will be asked to provide the following documents.
1 The "rapport de controle technique" (MOT test)
This inspection is mandatory if the vehicle has been used for more than 4 years.This document will demonstrate that the vehicle has passed the official check and meets the technical requirements of France. inspection, which lasts approximately 45 minutes, may be carried out in any of the 200 certified centres in France; in 2008, it was more thorough inspections at checkpoints 141. Prices rose 30%, and should expect to pay between 40 and 60.
2. ' certificate of de conformit "(certificate of conformity)
You can request a car-dealer, a French importer or the manufacturer directly. After your car is shown to match technical standards in France, you will receive the "attestation de conformit". This certificate is proof that the vehicle has actually been issued by the manufacturer and are suitable for use on the roads of France.
3. proof of identity and residence
Your passport or national Gazette TAYToTITAS and French electricity or water bill in your name will be sufficient.
4. proof of payment of the VAT.To use your car in France, you must demonstrate that you have paid VAT in the country of origin of the car.If your car has travelled more than 6,000 miles you have owned for more than 6 months, this should not be difficult to obtain.Should be completed by the existing registration, your Passport, a French utility bill in your name and, theoretically, car purchase invoice to the local tax office, Centre Des Impots "in French.
5. originals of documents circulation
You will also need the car documents British movement.
6. proof of ownership
Finally, you will need to provide evidence that your car, with a certificate of sale for example, although registration in your name will be sufficient.
When you have collected all of these documents, you now have the opportunity to complete a "Demande de certificat d ' immatriculation" (registration certificate research); the official name of the document is "d ' immatriculation certificate", but very often referred to as a "Carte grise (grey card) you should know that the document is delivered immediately, and you will be provided with a temporary document. Any garage will be able to install your new French plates.
If you want to buy a new car in France, the car-dealer will give you the "Carte grise.
If you buy a used car, you should make sure that already has a carte grise. the old will be cancelled and you will need to apply for a new within the first 2 weeks after your purchase.
French property Sextant is a network of over 100 real estate agents in France offer a selection of 6000 French property for sale.
This is a museum quality, reproduction print on premium paper with archival/UV resistant inks.
Date: 1 photographic print.
SOURCE: Library of Congress
Having bought a small farm with outbuildings and 1/2 acre land in 1994, we as a family I thought, "What we have done?" 16 years and the word is ' WOW is happy that we '. Only by the deposit of 10% and 15-year mortgage, the process couldn't be easier, even some time ago project.
We have been introduced during the high winds that can occur, we have slowed down by reducing the occasional snow, we have slowed down even more with some summers 50 C in this beautiful part of Poitou Charentes,.The dream Is to retire on this part of the world and watch the endless acres of Golden sunflower seed growing, but still a way off. If I were to give any advice on a similar project, and then will sooner rather than later, make sure that you may be able to ask advice of the people on the ground (people who have done the same) detected problems.
The French people of the countryside where we seem to be more determined back and friendly bunch who could ever want to meet, but have a hangup, we call the "mad English", because when we are there, we Have involves. an order of priority: recreation, entertainment, recreation, employment, leisure and easy shooting. it is easy to understand why the lifestyle in the French Mediterranean coast has the lowest percentage of heart disease in the northern hemisphere.
As you prepare for your move to France, it is useful to know some simple and interesting facts about this European country. Each country has its own rules and ideas. And each country has characteristics that make it different from others. Here are some things you should know about France.
1. of course, the capital of France is Paris. Also, Paris is the largest city in France with more than 2 million people.This percentage increased to 12 million people, when given the people of the suburbs of Paris, the river Seine is the oldest part of Paris and is divided into two sections, the left Bank and right Bank.
2. amazing Things to see in Paris in 1889. Built by Gustave Eiffel, Eiffel Tower is the most famous attraction in Paris. The French Government was designed originally for the removal of the Eiffel Tower, as only built for a just, but because of the popularity of the changed their minds.
3. By the end of the 17th century, France was one of the most powerful countries of the world. With almost 82 million foreign visitors every year, is the most common tourist spot in the world.
4. the move to France should take some time and vision. The best is to visit in advance so you can explore the region, housing and transport to test and get a general sense of the culture of the region. You can't go wrong with the first visit, because each country is unique, and you want to know that you will be happy.
5. the French people love paper. So, when you move to France, you will need to show multiple documents.Some of these include: birth certificate, marriage certificate, passport, international or European driver's license, insurance documents, Bank reports, training records, payroll slips, and more! Quite simply, every document proving something you might be useful or necessary when moving your undo. should also apply for a visa unless you are a European citizen.
6. Start planning right away to your sent France occupation. it is best to choose a moving company that specializes in international moving, instead of one that is usually not national movements. International moving companies are most up-to-date laws, regulations and the things you should know before you move on an international level. Many local businesses will advertise for international shipping, but it is not included and will not have all the information you need to have a successful overseas move.
7. Taking your pet to live with you in France must not be a problem. Unlike some other countries, France is compatible with enough about cats and dogs in their country.You will probably need vaccination certificates and records and a certificate of origin and health if he proves that that your pet has lived in a country that is free of rabies for at least three years.
8. There are some crucial things to consider if you plan to move your car in France.First, make sure the make and model of your vehicle sold abroad as well Download external car. approved for driving in France can be somewhat difficult. Secondly, can leave the existing car license plates. This will make it much easier to get car insurance.Last but not least, the position of the steering wheel you can make a big difference.If the steering wheel on the right side, you may have problems with many toll booths along the highways.
9. When you move in France, each item has to go through customs and declared.Some documents will include: a letter from your employer in France or a certificate that has been sealed by the French Consulate or Embassy of the country, an inventory list with all the items in both English and your native language, a document verifies that all items are for your own personal use and not for sale and receipts for all expensive items such as jewelry, electronic equipment, etc.Also maintains a copy of any document for your records.
10. you will find that the climate in France varies depending on where you are.The weather in the North and the West are affected by the Atlantic Ocean.In the East, the winters are very cold and the weather is generally fair you can expect hot, humid summers. Winters tend to be cooler and humid in the South, along with borines and hotter summers.
Those who are looking for an exciting vacation or new way of life still appear to France as the location of their choice. France draws people because of the high quality of life is available in all the French enjoyed fine., a relaxing way of life and the finer things in life. France continues to be both modern and old-fashioned, makes it attractive to new entrants; there is a French phrase that describes the best: put de vivre (joy of life).
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Following her formal culinary training, Loomis returned to the U.S. and met the man who would become her husband. After the couple's first son turned 2, they moved to France where Loomis was determined to launch her writing career focusing on unique aspects of French farming cuisine. She and her husband eventually purchased an old monastery in Louviers in the Normandy region of France. One of the more humorous and memorable stories she shares concerns the landlord of the small rental that they occupied for a year while her husband remodeled the monastery to livable conditions. During that year, the wife of the landlord believed them to be CIA agents and chose to keep a cold distance from the family. Meanwhile the French police suspected them of dealing drugs.
Every recipe featured throughout this memoir comes with an interesting, anecdotal story, and is very much representative of traditional French cuisine. Gateau au Chocolat de Mamy (or Mamy Jacqueline's Chocolate Cake) is a dense, almost death-by-chocolate confection, but served alone or with a fresh fruit coulis, it will bring a smile, as will the sweet explanation of its origin.
Loomis describes experiences and people with much detail, sometimes several times over, and her prose allows the reader to imagine the tempting smells and vivid colors of the countryside. You may find yourself wishing to see pictures of Loomis's home and the quaint village where she lived, but perhaps that was Loomis's intent--she wants to tempt and challenge you to experience the beauty and foods of Louviers and the Normandy region for yourself. --Teresa Simanton
Price: $14.95
I live in France and when I moved from the us to France, I raised my Grill Weber. In the USA I grilled all Spring, Summer and fall. I was used to having a large courtyard and Barbecue parties. In France, I knew that it would have a veranda so I brought the barbecue.
I went to a shop in the heart of Toulouse called Midica. I think it is generally more expensive than other stores, but since it is in the Centre, where I live, you don't have the drive, and it is easy to get, I went there. I would like to ask how I could change so this will grill USA work with butane irrelevant here in France. I ran a problem. Messieur is competent under the law, bla, bla, bla, and went as all good French.In fact, I said that I'm on handy so I have no problem making a connection with a new hose so that gas could work., the worker must have repeated 10 times that it was French law etc.
It is not simply a mechanical thing; a tube brings natural gas from the magazines for the grid, it is either on or off and the regulatory authority regulates the pressure.Gas Grill is a complex piece of equipment.
Finally, I said, here is my address, because you do not call the police if this will make you feel better, but I will show you where the hoses; he Did so, but in the end he showed me where everything was needed and even told me that he will throw in regulatory authority free if I bought gas bags. Well actually buys gas bags, pay for the contract, which is a deposit, then pay to fill each time. at the end, get your deposit back when you return the cases.
1. Remove hose that connects Grill bags
2. sign up for Convention natural gas at a local hardware store, don't forget the slider
3. buying replacement tubing size for use with new gas bags
4. to buy metal clamps which increase with screws to tighten the tubing
5. attach one end of the tube with the regulatory authority and the other for the grill
6. verify is tight
7. activation of gas bags
8. fire up the grill
9. pray happen no explosions
10. invite your friends to Barbecue party
For my setup images, and more detailed instructions, visit the link in the author's resource box.
This is all there is to convert your grill gas USA to work in Europe/France
BBQing happy!
See more details here, http://francetales.com/2010/05/31/converting-grill-from-us-to-work-in-france/
Owen Peery is an independent IT consultant living in France, http://owenpeery.com
Price: $45.00
This is a museum quality, reproduction print on premium paper with archival/UV resistant inks.
Date: 1 photographic print.
SOURCE: Library of Congress
Christmas in France and different Christmas anywhere else and I guess that depends on your source. For me as an Englishman, there are several similarities and, of course, a number of differences.
Similar things would be Bob (Père Noël) everywhere shops suddenly not displaying all the useful things and instead deposit their toys decorated streets lit and that in fact something. appear to be little more than an attempt by the street-lighting; even small villages make the effort in France, which is not common in the UK.
Differences with a French Christmas? This good "is still not quite so commercialized. Christmas doesn't start until December here, that in England the accumulation now seems to begin in September!
There are specific differences. Store local bread (boulangerie) are often open Christmas morning, for example, and Day is not a holiday. Most French is back in the workplace, except for a weekend.
Christmas in France is still quite an important religious holidays and a great family event. French is big in the family.It is very likely to have a Turkey for the main meal, with chestnut stuffing, but equally likely to have a goose or Capon.The big difference with the main food is that it will be for Christmas-Eve evening-and does not start after midnight mass!, although perhaps less French go to midnight mass than they used to, meal (le réveillon-wake up!) continues until the early hours of the morning.
Some parts of France even begun to celebrate the day of St Nicholas ', which is the 6th December, 12th night means nothing; for us is when all decorations ready (or another bad fate), but the French celebrate the arrival of the Kings of the 6 January (Fête des rois) and decorations that seems to stay for weeks and weeks after that.Perhaps it is simply more festive than us!
Of course, Christmas in France will not be complete without the "sapin De Noël-Christmas tree-so we are probably more common than do what separates us. in the new year, Cinco de Mayo celebration is large enough and more communities are invited from large for a glass of something sparkling in the local Hall town or village; there is also a cake with a small charm to it-as well as the coin in a traditional Christmas Pudding-although the cake is usually circular, flat and made puff pastry and frangipane-very sweet.
For more information about Christmas in France and light-hearted but informative view for all things French pop on Frenchlife4real .com. is written by an ex-pat living in English-speaking and working in France full so if they come for holidays or move permanently in France in mind, it is worth reading.
One of the most important things to consider when living or re-locating in France understanding of the health system in the country, which could prove vital for keeping you and your family free of the disease. France has an enviable reputation for the quality of health care, but are not free of charge at the time of delivery as the United Kingdom.
The French healthcare service, however, is widely regarded as being one of the best in the world and provides a large number of GPS and specialists.
The social security system taxes employees 20 percent of their salary, a large part of which is in the direction of public health.
La Couverture maladie is
Any legal resident of the country have access to medical treatment under the law of universal coverage is called la Couverture maladie.
Compared with the United Kingdom, there is a huge difference to the quality of care or the cost of treatment will be private, however, allow you to examine immediately and unlike the United Kingdom, you will not have to pay the entire Bill.
Insurance (reliability)
Whether private or public, treatment is free at the time of delivery such as Britain and patients must pay a full bill for a GP or specialist.Approximately 70 percent of the amount in then returned, usually after ten days.
A fundamental principle of health care financing in France is personal contribution and most French people receive health insurance can make a difference between what the State pays and the cost of treatment.
Howard Farmer
French articles
Lives in France
We have French property of 15,000 euro-Stone houses, land and farms. Residential property investment, holidays and for sale in all of France. investments: leaseback, buy to let and reversion property.French property Investments